March Madness. The glorious time of year that slings us into Spring, cheering on our beloved teams, rooting for that Cinderella darling to knock off the blue blood favorite, watching endless drama for four days where every tenth of a second matters and a lucky bounce here or there can decide the fate of your season. Competition at its finest.
It’s also a time for PTO. Blogs and articles about how much productivity is lost in the economy during this week. Sick day call-ins, (cough, cough). Live streaming of games on screens in the office. St. Patrick’s Day. Spring Break. You know….March Madness.
What does this have to do with finding a job you ask? Well, what if you turn this time of March Madness into opportunity. As a job seeker, this is an optimal time to get your resume into the hands of someone who can influence your career. While some celebrate the Madness, you can send out some more messages to recruiters, take the time to brush up your resume, follow up on job leads, research networking events, learn more about your target job market. While your competition is distracted by the Madness of March, you can vault ahead focusing on your future.
What can AllianceStaff do to help YOU achieve your career goals and navigate the Madness of the job market? Our Employment Consultants are ready to talk to YOU!