As the old saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers”. Well, we certainly had more than our fair share of showers this Spring. But after Mother Nature decided to wrap up washing away our winter, the flowers are starting to bloom and brighter and warmer days await.
Similar to these Spring weather cycles, there are new, prospective candidates about to hit the job market. May college graduates are turning their tassels; saying good-bye to college days and hello to the real world. And like every college graduation cycle; challenges await these new grads. Working through another Covid/pandemic phase, increasing inflation concerns, utilizing student loans to paying off student loans, where to live, and job market competition. And much like those endless soggy and dreary days of April, those radiant rays of sunshine start fighting through those gray skies and show us better days are ahead.
Transitions can be tough. Here are some tips for college graduates as you enter this job market.
*When preparation meets opportunity you increase your chances for success. Spend quality time researching the job market and companies you would like to work for. If you are able to generate an interview with a company, study the company website and look up recent articles to learn more about the organization.
*Create a LinkedIn profile. Hiring officials tend to look beyond just a resume. LinkedIn is a proven business networking tool that connects talented professionals throughout the world. You never know, some common connections may enhance your chances for employment in a competitive job market.
*Be open to professional consultation (Recruiters, job coaches, employment consultants) and really listen to what these professionals have to say about the job market, salary scales, market conditions, etc.. They spend many hours of the day talking to the drivers in the job market and can provide real life solutions and answers to your questions. The information may vary from source to source, but remaining open to discussion will help you understand the forces of the market.
*Maintain a positive attitude throughout. Interviewing can be uncomfortable. Especially when you are trying to launch your career. Rejection can be tough especially when it feels like the perfect opportunity for you. While challenges always remain in the job market, it is a prime time to look in such an employee centric market. Jobs are open and companies understand that they need to take chances too. Just because you might not check the boxes on all of the qualifiers, doesn’t mean you still aren’t the right fit.
*Keep a proper perspective. Be confident, but humble. Ambitious, but respectful. Educated, but curious. Provide solutions, but ask questions. Focus your search, but remain open to new paths.
AllianceStaff has spent over 15 years counseling recent college graduates in the job market. Let us know if we can help YOU explore this Milwaukee job market!